Our Creatives
Meet Susie Oh

Susie Oh brings her bright, bold mixed-media style approach to children's book illustration to the Gnome Road team in a collaborative project with author Claire Annette Noland. Coming in the fall of 2026, A Knot of Frogs, a Passel of Hogs: Recess With Collective Nouns is certain to produce plenty of wiggles and giggles from young readers everywhere!
* Photo credit it Stephen Cardone
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Susie Oh is a Korean-American illustrator; she lives in Brooklyn with her partner and two spoiled guinea pigs named Gluten and Bazooka Joe. She is also an accomplished artist and recently completed an Artist in Residence Program with the NYC Bird Alliance. This will be Susie's fourth picture book release, with another due out with Tiny Tree in 2025.
Susie is represented by Alice Jin "AJ" Zhang at Astound US Inc.