Our Creatives
Meet Kristi Mahoney

Kristi's debut picture book, Alpacas Make Terrible Librarians, released in the fall of 2024. Kristi takes readers on a humorous exploration of how the library works when an alpaca is in charge as it temporarily "fills in" for a favorite librarian. Illustrators Chantelle and Burgen Thorne round out the team to layer this story with extra doses of fun.
And since we love Kristi's hilarious writing, we welcomed this creative team back to Gnome Road with a companion story, Owls Make Terrible Teachers, set to release in the spring of 2026. Get ready for more laughs and learning!
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Kristi Mahoney lives outside of Boston, MA with her husband, two teenagers, and six fur-family members. Kristi loves animals of all kinds, so it’s not surprising they’re a big part of her writing. She also cannot pass up a beautiful sunset, is never without a book, and has been known to rescue every bug that wanders into her house. ALPCAPAS MAKE TERRIBLE LIBRARIANS is her debut picture book.